Reach out for help: or 800.687.4227. MusiCares’ expert staff treat cases with integrity and confidentiality.
If you or someone you care about is in an emergency, please call 911 or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. MusiCares is not a crisis hotline; we provide support tailored to clients’ unique challenges over a period of time.
Family members or friends may contact MusiCares on behalf of a music professional with their permission.
MusiCares provides crisis relief, preventive care, recovery resources and need-based financial assistance in three key areas:
- Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Servicesinclude preventive resources such as emotional support groups, referrals and financial assistance for counseling/therapy, and mental wellness workshops. In times of crisis, MusiCares facilitates and funds inpatient addiction recovery and mental health treatment and IPO (intensive outpatient) care. To bolster recovery, MusiCares provides continued outpatient care, assistance with sober living placement and costs, and hosts several addiction recovery support groups each week.
- Health Services focus on emergency financial assistance for medical expenses and loss of work due to illness or injury, and recovery support through access to physical therapy and continued wellness resources. MusiCares also offers a variety of targeted health services including biannual clinics for dental, vision, and physical/holistic health, as well as ongoing hearing health and education services, smoking cessation efforts, and more.
- Human Services include preventive programs addressing financial literacy, affordable housing, career development, legal issues, and senior services. In times of hardship, MusiCares provides humanitarian disaster relief, emergency financial assistance for basic living expenses like rent, utilities, car payments and insurance premiums, assistance with instrument replacement/repair if stolen or damaged in a natural disaster (excluding wear-and-tear), and funeral costs for a music professional or their family member.
Please reach out to MusiCaresRelief@musicares.orgfor more information or with questions about our services.
Anyone working in the music industry is encouraged to contact MusiCares for help. This includes musicians, songwriters, engineers, producers, live crew, tour bus drivers, managers, agents, A&R, makeup artists, costume designers, music video creatives & technicians, and anyone whose livelihood depends on music or makes music happen.
Those requesting financial assistance must possess documentation of employment history in one of the following areas:
- A minimum of five years employment in the music industry (three years for disaster relief), OR
- Six commercially released recordings or videos (singles)
All approved assistance is paid directly to a third party or creditor such as a landlord, bank, utility company, hospital, doctor, or therapist.
Many preventive resources are free and available to all. See our events page and social media to access all clinics, screenings, workshops and webinars.
MusiCares serves music professionals in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.